Hello. We’re glad to have you back because we discovered more essential facts to check off your list of car seat safety rules. We’ve put it all together in a comprehensive flow that you can apply when looking for a car seat booster, installing and using it.
Car Seat Safety Checklist
The secret to staying as safe as possible in case of an accident is having the right car seat that fits your child and vehicle. Car accidents did not make the list of our fun facts to talk about, but it is an important one to note. This will keep you wary when purchasing your first booster and car seat. If you’re getting a hand-me-down, an important factor to remember is that an accident may have damaged the car seat making it unsafe to reuse. Here are major considerations to have in mind and jot down on a piece of paper before committing to anything.

Check that you get a rear-facing car seat with a 5-point harness for maximum safety. Adhere to weight and height limits as you transition to different types that accommodate your baby’s safety and comfort. Here are the types and security checks that you need to know.
Place a rear-facing car seat in the middle part of the backseat, and avoid being tempted to put your baby on the front passenger seat. You may think it makes it easier to keep an eye on your child, but a passenger seat with an active airbag will be harmful in case of an accident. A rear-facing car seat will protect your baby’s neck, head and spine.
Front facing
Switch to a convertible and turn your child to face forward during a ride once he or she hits the weight and height limits of a rear-facing car seat. At this point you want to attach the top tether and secure your harness straps to a forward facing slot.
A booster car seat will bump your child up once they surpass the upper weight and height limits. Your child can now comfortably and safely use the car seat belt. Read the belt guide carefully. You want to ensure that the belt does not cross their neck or stomach as this can be fatal in case of a crash. Please note that if your little one needs a harness to stay in the booster seat, then they’re not ready for the bump up.

We recommend the 3-in-1 car seat booster that caters to your child’s development needs by offering all three car seat options.
2. Installation
Carefully read the instruction manual and follow each installation step. It is vital that you understand the product and apply the stated safety measures according to the trusted manufacturer. The car seat you choose should come with additional stickers and labels with weight and height requirements, as well as an expiration date. Always ask for assistance from a child car seat expert in case of doubt.
3. Use
Here’s your car seat safety checklist every time you want to go out for a ride. You should always have your baby safely protected even when travelling a short distance.
- Check that the harness straps fit your baby correctly and are neither too loose or tight – If it’s cold, do not dress your child with heavy clothing such as a jacket, under the harness. In case of a crash the jacket padding will flatten and leave your baby vulnerable to slipping or moving through the straps.
- Check the head of your baby is safely rested on the car seat – there should be an inch between the head of a child and headrest top in a rear-facing seat. When using a front-facing seat, the top of your baby’s ears should not go beyond the head restraint in a front-facing seat.
- Check that the crotch buckle is safely secured in the proper slot. Your child should not be sitting on it.
- Check that the belt rests comfortably across the shoulders, chest and hips when using a booster.
Have a checklist with you every time you use your car seat until you get the hang of things. Make sure you note down more requirements as stated in the user’s manual. We recommend that you always carry your car seat safety checklist every time you use your car seat after you choose the right one from a trusted manufacturer.
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